Originally Posted by NaS
I came up with something way simpler, I guess.
Noticed that you can write to any position in a file and it will automatically adjust its size (fills with spaces).
It now handles each line seperately, but directly writes them to the correct offset.
PHP код:
File_LReverse(const fnamein[], const fnameout[])
new File:FIn = fopen(fnamein, io_read);
if(!FIn) return 0;
new File:FOut = fopen(fnameout, io_write);
return 0;
new c, totalchars, buf[MAX_LINE_LENGTH], flen, llen, bool:nline;
while((c = fgetchar(FIn, 0, true)) > 0) // Get file size and check if last line has a new line character
flen ++;
if(c == '\n') nline = false;
else nline = true;
if(nline) flen += 2; // Account for the missing new line at the very end of the file. This must be known before writing, otherwise the offsets of all other lines change!
fseek(FIn); // Reset pointer
while((llen = fread(FIn, buf)))
totalchars += llen; // Keep track of how many characters were already read in total
if(nline && totalchars == flen - 2 && llen < MAX_LINE_LENGTH-2) // If there was no new line at the very end and this is the last line, add "\r\n"
strcat(buf, "\r\n");
totalchars += 2;
fseek(FOut, flen - totalchars, seek_start); // Navigate to the correct offset in the new file (end - total characters read)
fwrite(FOut, buf);
return 1;
Should be faster and also fix the random characters
That's freaking awesome
Thank you so much mate. I appreciate that.
SyS, Gammix, thank you for your interest either.