03.06.2017, 22:21
Well quite impresive. The textdraws i think you are not interested so much.
The back of system is quite well made i think. You need timers of course. The increase of the multipler i think is not exactly the same, so it's not increased that same value everytime. But the premature end of the multiplier timer its the hard part. You need to figure out when to stopt it, and yes its never stops at same value as i imagine, everytime stops at a random time. Its quite complex, you need to sort things out. Another things its pretty easy. So, the basic idea its to not let the multiplier be the same everytime(this part i think its not that important) and ,of course, to stop the timer what increase the multiplier at some point(random one more precise) and let the player to bet his money at the multiplier value that his want(if is not quick enought he will lose) I think i cover some points and make me clear(i think) |