Loop an enum

Originally Posted by Dayrion
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^ That should answer you.
Huh? How could that answer him? Read what he posted carefully.You are incrementing string which will set the pointer from begginning to each character.Also provide proper test code as SyS said to reproduce the problem and analyse as your script is known only to you others even don't saw it before and also you are not clear enough in explaining the actual problem.

Messages In This Thread
Loop an enum - by Dayrion - 02.06.2017, 20:45
Re: Loop an enum - by CheezIt - 03.06.2017, 03:34
Re: Loop an enum - by Dayrion - 03.06.2017, 12:00
Re: Loop an enum - by SyS - 03.06.2017, 12:35
Re: Loop an enum - by Dayrion - 03.06.2017, 14:07
Re: Loop an enum - by GhostHacker9 - 03.06.2017, 14:27
Re: Loop an enum - by Dayrion - 04.06.2017, 00:55
Re: Loop an enum - by CheezIt - 04.06.2017, 01:21
Re: Loop an enum - by SyS - 04.06.2017, 01:45
Re: Loop an enum - by SyS - 04.06.2017, 02:37

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