can't extend the letters amount in 3dtextlabel?

mask system shows the id and stranger name, but can't print health and such it prints in-game like "Stranger XXX Health".

stock PlayerNameEx(playerid) {

new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
new Float:health, Float:armour;
GetPlayerHealth(playerid, health);
GetPlayerArmourEx(playerid, armour);
if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "MaskUse") == 1) {
format(name,sizeof(name),"Stranger(%d)\n(Health: %.1f, Armour: %.1f)",GetPVarInt(playerid, "MaskID"));
return name;

format(name, sizeof(name), "%s", PlayerInfo[playerid][pName]);
return name;

Messages In This Thread
can't extend the letters amount in 3dtextlabel? - by DemME - 31.05.2017, 00:13
Re: can't extend the letters amount in 3dtextlabel? - by ShihabSoft - 31.05.2017, 00:18
Re: can't extend the letters amount in 3dtextlabel? - by DemME - 31.05.2017, 01:18
Re: can't extend the letters amount in 3dtextlabel? - by Sew_Sumi - 31.05.2017, 03:21

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