Best way of making many checkpoints??

I probably misinformed you, I'd like to know how? I know I can just define every checkpoint etc but that would take up alot of time. what I'd like to know is if there is an easier way of doing it.

Messages In This Thread
Best way of making many checkpoints?? - by Deroxi - 30.05.2017, 14:57
Re: Best way of making many checkpoints?? - by R0 - 30.05.2017, 15:00
Re: Best way of making many checkpoints?? - by Deroxi - 30.05.2017, 15:02
Re: Best way of making many checkpoints?? - by saffierr - 30.05.2017, 15:09
Re: Best way of making many checkpoints?? - by R0 - 30.05.2017, 15:14
Re: Best way of making many checkpoints?? - by Deroxi - 30.05.2017, 15:18
Re: Best way of making many checkpoints?? - by saffierr - 30.05.2017, 15:41
Re: Best way of making many checkpoints?? - by Deroxi - 30.05.2017, 15:57
Re: Best way of making many checkpoints?? - by Vince - 30.05.2017, 16:18
Re: Best way of making many checkpoints?? - by Deroxi - 30.05.2017, 16:21

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