[FilterScript] Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable)

Weed system

I started working on this weed system two days ago since I felt that I had left Pawno behind,I thought I had to make something just so I would not forget this as a language. A lot of ideas crossed my mind however, weed system seemed like one which has not been published that many times in the past and that always holds a spot for improvements and new ideas. This drug system is not that advanced and there are certainly way better options than this out there (rootcause's drug system for example). I did not progress this system into personal use like smoking, selling, statistics etcetera however, it is limited to the script variables. There is also no saving system and whoever who has the the basic knowledge of MySQL/INI will be able to properly insert saving system into this script.

- ******, even if not part of these forums anymore, his foreach, y_timer and y_iterate have been used in this script and therefore, it wouldn't be the same without them (not to mention the amount of coding lines those includes have saved me)

However, lets jump straight onto the screenshots of this project:


/buyseeds - Allows you to buy seeds of your choice
/myseeds - shows you the seeds you got on you
/mydrugs - shows you the drugs you got on you, also lets you manage them
/pickpackup - picks up the dropped package (if near any)
/collectweed - collects the weed plant you are next to
/plantseed - plants a seed of a specific type (slots can be taken from /myseeds)


- You can only plant a maximum of 1'000 weed seeds at a time (that would be almost 1'000 timers running at once)
- There can only be a maximum of 1'000 drug bags dropped at a time (script is using streamer to create the object, therefore more can be created)
- There can only be 5 type of seeds as of now. You are able to change this amount as you wish, though you are required to make changes in the script (might be changed in the future)

Adding new type of seed

Line 51; 52, there's this variable:

PHP Code:
new SeedInformation[][seedpacks] =
0"Cannabis Indica"500360},
1"Cannabis Sativa"500130}
To add a new one, you just add a new line which goes like:
{id, "name", price, grams_per_seed, time_in_seconds}
- You can only add a maximum of five drugs/seeds and ID's MUST be increasing regularly (0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4)

Download: Pastebin (Last updated: 12/06/2017)

Messages In This Thread
Weed system [v1.2] [UPDATED] - by Private200 - 22.05.2017, 20:38
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by Astralis - 22.05.2017, 21:32
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by LazzyBoy - 22.05.2017, 21:51
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by Fairuz - 22.05.2017, 23:09
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by fatlirmorina - 22.05.2017, 23:10
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by Kimsa - 23.05.2017, 02:47
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by RxErT - 23.05.2017, 11:04
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by SyS - 23.05.2017, 12:04
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by Bolex_ - 23.05.2017, 12:09
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by Private200 - 23.05.2017, 13:37
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by Azhar - 23.05.2017, 14:16
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by Logic_ - 23.05.2017, 21:01
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by DRP - 23.05.2017, 21:44
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by Spydah - 27.05.2017, 18:44
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by NaS - 28.05.2017, 14:31
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by AlexMSK - 29.05.2017, 19:15
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by KinG7 - 29.05.2017, 19:49
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by Private200 - 29.05.2017, 22:05
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by Cyboorg - 02.06.2017, 01:05
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by rawenCB - 02.06.2017, 14:16
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by NaS - 02.06.2017, 15:14
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by Private200 - 04.06.2017, 13:38
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by Bernadeath - 05.06.2017, 03:20
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by Private200 - 12.06.2017, 00:06
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by adrianlouise - 12.06.2017, 00:28
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by NewFreeroamStunt - 13.06.2017, 14:23
Re: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by Killa[DGZ] - 14.06.2017, 08:59
Respuesta: Weed system (Grow, plant, give, drop, different type of seeds, different type of weeds, customizable) - by Marshmello - 14.06.2017, 16:43

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