
Originally Posted by Aly
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You have to change it to
new PlayerText:vSpeedBox;
Put this under OnPlayerConnect:
vSpeedBox = CreatePlayerTextDraw(540.666259, 418.637756, "0");
	PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(vSpeedBox, 0.000000, -3.155556);
	PlayerTextDrawTextSize(vSpeedBox, 649.999572, 0.000000);
	PlayerTextDrawAlignment(vSpeedBox, 1);
	PlayerTextDrawColor(vSpeedBox, 0);
	PlayerTextDrawUseBox(vSpeedBox, true);
	PlayerTextDrawBoxColor(vSpeedBox, 102);
	PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(vSpeedBox, 0);
	PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(vSpeedBox, 0);
	PlayerTextDrawFont(vSpeedBox, 2);
forward speedinfotd(playerid);
	public speedinfotd(playerid)
			new String [ 30 ];
	        new Float:X;
	        new Float:Y;
	        new Float:Z;
	        format(String,150,"~W~~Y~%d",floatround(floatsqroot(X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z) * 200.0000));
			PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, vSpeedBox, String);
	        return 1;
And use the code below to show or hide it.
PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, vSpeedBox);
PlayerTextDrawHide(playerid, vSpeedBox);
To destroy it use:
PlayerTextDrawDestroy(playerid, vSpeedBox);
Why did you even bother? That code doesn't even work! Just changing the Text -> PlayerText and changing the function appropriately won't fix the problem. To display it, He should loop thorough all the players and use a timer to update. Besides, If you tell him everything, He will just copy paste and won't learn anything. Again, The code You've provided is WRONG!

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?Help - by fireranger11 - 22.05.2017, 06:32
Re: ?Help - by DarkSkull - 22.05.2017, 06:40
Re: ?Help - by fireranger11 - 22.05.2017, 06:43
Re: ?Help - by DarkSkull - 22.05.2017, 06:45
Re: ?Help - by Aly - 22.05.2017, 06:50
Re: ?Help - by DarkSkull - 22.05.2017, 06:55
Re: ?Help - by fireranger11 - 22.05.2017, 07:19
Re: ?Help - by fireranger11 - 22.05.2017, 07:30

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