19.05.2017, 18:21
see what i mean, you wasted your time posting all that, which is not helping none at all to the topic... Don;t even waste your time cause i wont stop posting it because of people like you, instead of helping out you post stupid things that makes no sense and then saying "learn to script" . Thats not helping
Hand everything to you on a platter, and you won't know how to script in the slightest, and in the end you'll only edit others code, and put out codes with severe bugs and quit.
But by all means, ignore the voice of reason and continue down the fumbling path that you make dismissing everything that contradicts your opinion.
Fact is I don't care if you think I wasted my time typing this out, it's less than 5 minutes of typing for someone such as myself.
What is a waste of time, is helping people who are disrespectful and rude, and think of 'help' as being provided with what they want on demand... Hence why you have been directed to the 'Looking for scripters/helpers' thread in the past.
Maybe you should learn why that is happening, rather than simply throwing out insults like some 'internet badass', then maybe you'd be helped a bit more promptly, rather than having to bump your thread every day.
After all, if I see someone who I know has merit, and wants to learn posting, I look at their thread, even if I may not be able to help, not necessarily replying, but looking. If I remember that someone faced it recently, I try PM them to help them out.
For you, I'd be doing none of that.