GetBizEmptyID (from ini system to mysql)

PHP код:
stock GetBizEmptyID(const len)
id = (-1);
loop = (0), check= (-1), Data_[64] = "\0"loop != len; ++ loop)
check= (loop+1);
format(Data_, (sizeof Data_), "BIZS/Biz_%d.ini"check);
id = (check);
      return (

How can I convert this to mysql system?

I'm using this function on commande makebusiness:

new bizid = GetFirmaEmptyID(MAX_BIZ);

And than I use that bizid to make new business:

BusinessInfo[bizd][bInfo] = ...;

I have in BusinessInfo enum main SQLID that I can use for businesses ID but don't know how to make it work in mysql. Just transfered my gamemode from ini to mysql and still learning.

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