[Projeto] Survival the Island

Pelas print's eu achei muito interessante mano, vocк poderia por um sistema de baъs/caixas tambйm para o player guardar seus itens...
tipo esse: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=632457

Poderia ter um sistema de invadir tambйm, nem que seja simples... (caso nгo tenha ainda)

Messages In This Thread
Survival the Island - by PowerEvolve - 10.05.2017, 04:02
Re: Survival the Island - by Franklin0180 - 10.05.2017, 04:07
Re: Survival the Island - by Powered - 10.05.2017, 07:03
Re: Survival the Island - by UserUnk0wn - 10.05.2017, 12:18
Re: Survival the Island - by renatog - 10.05.2017, 15:31
Re: Survival the Island - by PowerEvolve - 10.05.2017, 16:24
Re: Survival the Island - by PowerEvolve - 10.05.2017, 16:28
Re: Survival the Island - by IlanZ - 10.05.2017, 19:53
Re: Survival the Island - by CaioTJF - 10.05.2017, 20:38
Re: Survival the Island - by PowerEvolve - 10.05.2017, 21:12

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