Progress Bar Timer

Can't find the exact position to create the progress bar.
PlayerBar:CreatePlayerProgressBar(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:width = 55.5, Float:height = 3.2, colour, Float:max = 100.0, direction = BAR_DIRECTION_RIGHT)
That's why i need your helps.
I want it to be shown above the minimap.

Messages In This Thread
Progress Bar Timer - by ChandraLouis - 06.05.2017, 17:47
Re: Progress Bar Timer - by raydx - 06.05.2017, 22:50
Re: Progress Bar Timer - by ChandraLouis - 07.05.2017, 11:01
Re: Progress Bar Timer - by Dice_ - 07.05.2017, 13:47

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