06.05.2017, 02:47
can u please remove the ColAndreas.so from your server.cfg!
You just need ColAndreas_static.so!
If you wana use ColAndreas.so install the missing libraries.
apt-get install libbulletcollision2.82:i386 libbulletdynamics2.82:i386 liblinearmath2.82:i386 libbulletsoftbody2.82:i386
But u just can use one of these!!!!
ColAndreas or ColAndreas_static
can u please remove the ColAndreas.so from your server.cfg!
You just need ColAndreas_static.so!
If you wana use ColAndreas.so install the missing libraries.
apt-get install libbulletcollision2.82:i386 libbulletdynamics2.82:i386 liblinearmath2.82:i386 libbulletsoftbody2.82:i386
But u just can use one of these!!!!
ColAndreas or ColAndreas_static