Problem With y_ini

The code is correct, but I don't know why it still can't saving, maybe before player disconnects you set the players pJob to zero?

Messages In This Thread
Problem With y_ini - by akib - 05.05.2017, 05:32
Re: Problem With y_ini - by Hreesang - 05.05.2017, 05:50
Re: Problem With y_ini - by akib - 05.05.2017, 06:04
Re: Problem With y_ini - by akib - 05.05.2017, 07:11
Re: Problem With y_ini - by Hreesang - 05.05.2017, 07:16
Re: Problem With y_ini - by akib - 05.05.2017, 07:18
Re: Problem With y_ini - by Hreesang - 05.05.2017, 07:53
Re: Problem With y_ini - by ShihabSoft - 05.05.2017, 10:27

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