Originally Posted by CrossUSAAF
pawn Код:
function LoadGangHq( ) { new x_rows; cache_get_row_count( x_rows ); for( new i = 0; i < x_rows; i ++ ) { cache_get_value_float( i, "hqX", gTeamHq[ i ][ hqX ] ); cache_get_value_float( i, "hqY", gTeamHq[ i ][ hqY ] ); cache_get_value_float( i, "hqZ", gTeamHq[ i ][ hqZ ] );
gHQ[ i ] = CreateDynamicCP( gTeamHq[ i ][ hqX ], gTeamHq[ i ][ hqY ], gTeamHq[ i ][ hqZ ], 1.0, 0, 0 ); } printf( "Loaded %d headquarters.", x_rows ); return 1; }
Please make sure that you do not exceed the size of your arrays.
It's creating just the first checkpoint not all the checkpoints.