29.04.2017, 12:42
That's not even answering the question...
Truth is that most established servers have experienced staff, and maintain a ritual of monitoring their server. Not-so-experienced staff lead to simply "getting it working" and getting into "playing". Then because they're not paying attention, they leave it until the server collapses before they look at it again. Also, people claim to be DDoSed a lot, when really, bad code can produce the same symptoms that they experience, and claim DDoS out of either inexperience, or not knowing what to look for, or wanting to look at what is going on with their server because it's all "too much". OVH have a good system as they are focused on being on top of network hosting, and that's why they excel as they have people who are clued up on these things. It's not as if they hire people, with promises of admin on their server, and "perks"... They pay their techs, and they hire based on skill rather than whether they simply like them or not. |