Float health and altitude won't change.

Not trying to offend you, but you're offering to teach scripting where you've none to less scripting and actual knowledge of SA-MP. Some stuff that I'd suggest you is, that you read the SA-MP wiki, it has almost everything you need.

Use 1000 ms (1 second) timer, and call it under OnGameModeInit, kill it under OnGameModeExit. Use foreach or player-pool size loop instead of MAX_PLAYERS loop, I'd recommend foreach though, but it's totally up to you that which one you choose to use.

EDIT: Example given below:
PHP код:
// Along with other defines
#define METRES_TO_FEET(%0) \
((%0) / 0.3047999995367040007042099189296)
// Under OnGameModeInit
// Somewhere in the script
forward    updateVehicleTD();
string[50], FloatvehXFloatvehYFloatvehZvehHealth;
format(stringsizeof string"~b~KM/H: ~w~%d"GetKMHSpeed(i));
PlayerTextDrawSetString(ivehKMH[i], string);
GetVehicleHealth(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), vHealth);
format(stringsizeof string"~b~Health: ~w~%0.0f"vHealth);
PlayerTextDrawSetString(ivehHealth[i], string);
GetVehiclePos(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), vehXvehYvehZ);
format(stringsizeof string"~b~Altitude: ~w~%d M"floatround(METRES_TO_FEET(z)));
PlayerTextDrawSetString(ivehAlt[i], string);


Messages In This Thread
Float health and altitude won't change. - by NealPeteros - 28.04.2017, 12:02
Re: Float health and altitude won't change. - by Logic_ - 28.04.2017, 12:15
Re: Float health and altitude won't change. - by NealPeteros - 28.04.2017, 12:18
Re: Float health and altitude won't change. - by Logic_ - 28.04.2017, 12:20
Re: Float health and altitude won't change. - by NealPeteros - 28.04.2017, 12:22
Re: Float health and altitude won't change. - by Logic_ - 28.04.2017, 12:26
Re: Float health and altitude won't change. - by NealPeteros - 28.04.2017, 13:27
Re: Float health and altitude won't change. - by Vince - 28.04.2017, 15:18
Re: Float health and altitude won't change. - by NealPeteros - 28.04.2017, 16:10

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