One recommendation for forum users!

Hello Community, I'd like to debate a little bit about 'fixed' & 'solved' topics and editing.

What am I talking about?
- I'm talking about editing your post after it gets 'solved' or you fix it. We will discuss why we shouldn't do it, and why it isn't a recommendation.

Why you shouldn't edit your post after you fix the problem?
- We have all been there, we had a problem and we looked on SAMP forums for topics releated to our problem. But if our problem isn't solved we posted a thread on SA: MP forum and waiting for someone to response with a helpful answer, didn't we? Well after your problems get solver you shouldn't edit it to 'solved' because some people still have a similar problem or exactly the same. 1 And it really means a lot for users who have a similar problem.

Personal Oppinion

We covered some facts about it, it cleary isn't good because some people can learn a lot from it, for example, you need help for text draws and while he is reading he spots an improved syntax code and improves his script, but this is only my personal opinion.

1 I had a problem with I don't actually remember what but when I ******d it I found a guy with the same problem but the issue was he edited his topic so I couldn't see what was the problem / was it similar to mine, and whats updated/changed.

Maybe someone will come here and say "Buu, why don't you post a topic" I have an account but I don't want to bother You (talking to the community) with my problems, or example I spell syntax wrong and I do that a lot of times so I should post around 10 posts per day, it's better to ****** admit it! (It some cases of course).

Share your thoughts!

Messages In This Thread
One recommendation for forum users! - by Fratello - 27.04.2017, 18:55
Re: One recommendation for forum users! - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 27.04.2017, 22:20
Re: One recommendation for forum users! - by xPhantom - 28.04.2017, 06:26
Re: One recommendation for forum users! - by Quinncell - 28.04.2017, 09:02
Re: One recommendation for forum users! - by Toroi - 28.04.2017, 09:07
Re: One recommendation for forum users! - by Fratello - 28.04.2017, 15:43
Re: One recommendation for forum users! - by aymel - 28.04.2017, 16:08
Re: One recommendation for forum users! - by Quinncell - 28.04.2017, 16:29
Re: One recommendation for forum users! - by coool - 28.04.2017, 16:29
Re: One recommendation for forum users! - by Quinncell - 28.04.2017, 16:31

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