19.04.2017, 01:48
Hello!Let me first thank you for taking the time to read this post. It is likely that the heading has attracted your attention and interest, and that is a great start.
In the next two months I am hoping to launch a new community and am in need of assistance with the design of attractive and modern graphics to reflect our new community.
To attract the right people I believe in offering outstanding conditions, such as:
- No strict deadlines, work at your own pace
- Payment to be discussed on a per task basis
- Your choice of involvement in the community or not
- A relaxed and friendly environment
To be considered for a part in this community you should be able to provide the following:
- Sample of prior works
- A short description of yourself and history of your involvement with graphics design
But most importantly, you should bring a friendly personality and great attitude!
Feel free to submit your expression of interest by sending me a forum PM directly. Also do the same if you have any questions.
Thanks again for taking the time to read this post, and have a good day!