Teleporting system

PHP код:
 if(sscanf(params"s[128]is[128]"paramsidxtext)) return SendClientMessage(playeriderror"Usage: /dedit text [doorid] [text]"); 
You text sscanf is also messed up. You are using three specifiers and 3 parameters, But you don't need the first string. I'm not sure if that is the problem here, But you might as well try to fix that. Here's the fix for it.

PHP код:
 if(sscanf(params"is[128]"idxtext)) return SendClientMessage(playeriderror"Usage: /dedit text [doorid] [text]"); 
Also I've noticed something. In your interior and exterior, where you update the coordinates, You use text and idx, But you only use the id and not the text. Here are fixes for both of them as well.

PHP код:
if(sscanf(params"i"idx)) return SendClientMessage(playeriderror"Usage: /dedit interior [doorid]"); // interior
if(sscanf(params"i"idx)) return SendClientMessage(playeriderror"Usage: /dedit exterior [doorid]"); // exterior 
Try these and check if it fixxes it

Messages In This Thread
Teleporting system - by 1fret - 15.04.2017, 00:02
Re: Teleporting system - by DarkSkull - 15.04.2017, 00:05
Re: Teleporting system - by 1fret - 15.04.2017, 00:28
Re: Teleporting system - by DarkSkull - 15.04.2017, 00:38
Re: Teleporting system - by 1fret - 15.04.2017, 00:39
Re: Teleporting system - by DarkSkull - 15.04.2017, 00:50
Re: Teleporting system - by 1fret - 15.04.2017, 01:02
Re: Teleporting system - by DarkSkull - 15.04.2017, 01:22
Re: Teleporting system - by 1fret - 15.04.2017, 01:31

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