getdate in mysql database

INT(12) holds only integer/number not string '%d/%d/%04d' you can use timestamp, change to %d and replace 'day, month, year' part into gettime() then you can select date

pawn Код:
"SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(`RegisterDate`) AS `RegDate` WHERE `Username` = '%e' LIMIT 1;"

Messages In This Thread
getdate in mysql database - by 7daan71 - 14.04.2017, 21:23
Re: getdate in mysql database - by Jefff - 14.04.2017, 22:31
Re: getdate in mysql database - by DRIFT_HUNTER - 14.04.2017, 23:17
Re: getdate in mysql database - by GangstaSunny. - 14.04.2017, 23:36

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