CreateExplosion help!

Hello! I want to create Explossion for Medics Factions. I create a Timer who make Explossion every 5 minutes[for testing], but my problem is cause, thats explossion happends all together in all places i have put coordinates.
How to make explosion to start at a time, not all togheter.
Sorry for my english.
forward OnBurgerExplosion();
public OnBurgerExplosion(playerid)
    static explode2; // Defining the explode
    if(explode2 == 0) { // If explode2 is just going to start, get prepared and alert!
                if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 14 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 14)
                      new string[300];
                      new turnmes[128];
                      format(cbjstore, sizeof(turnmes), "HQ: All Units APB, Reporter: {FFFFFF} Un Incediu a fost depistat! Mergeti pentru a-l stinge.",PlayerInfo[playerid],playerid);
		              SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_DBLUE, cbjstore);
          }    // Add your Dispatch message here!
    explode2++; // Every explosion, this will go up
    if(explode2 < 6) // once it explodes 100 times, it will disable itself
        SetTimer("OnBurgerExplosion", 3000, false); // This makes it disable itself
        explode2 = 0; // If this is 0, it will start exploding, because fo the timer
    CreateExplosion(2438.04688, -1271.21838, 23.22764,2,100);
    SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,2438.04688, -1271.21838, 23.22764,1.0);
  	//CreateExplosion(432.4224, -1297.9946, 25.0137,1,100);
  	//CreateExplosion(2427.9363, -1288.8926, 30.2144,1,100);
    // X, Y, Z == X = X Coordinates, Y = Y Coordinates, Z = Z Coordinates
    return 1;

Messages In This Thread
CreateExplosion help! - by MrTea - 11.04.2017, 15:45
Re: CreateExplosion help! - by Sew_Sumi - 11.04.2017, 16:52
Re: CreateExplosion help! - by MrTea - 11.04.2017, 17:09
Re: CreateExplosion help! - by Sew_Sumi - 11.04.2017, 17:25
Re: CreateExplosion help! - by McGuiness - 11.04.2017, 17:28
Re: CreateExplosion help! - by Sew_Sumi - 11.04.2017, 17:31
Re: CreateExplosion help! - by McGuiness - 11.04.2017, 17:33
Re: CreateExplosion help! - by MrTea - 11.04.2017, 17:52
Re: CreateExplosion help! - by DarkSkull - 11.04.2017, 17:54
Re: CreateExplosion help! - by Sew_Sumi - 11.04.2017, 18:41

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