Picking up crates - array - playertopoint

you can create another variable for example

playercrate[3] and when the player picks the third crate set playercrate[3] = 1;

if he tries to drop it check which variable is on and for example if playercrate[3] has value 1, it means that he is holding crate 3 and this way you can update the location of crate 3.

Messages In This Thread
Picking up crates - array - playertopoint - by Saddin - 11.04.2017, 13:27
Re: Picking up crates - array - playertopoint - by DarkSkull - 11.04.2017, 13:40
Re: Picking up crates - array - playertopoint - by AndreiWow - 11.04.2017, 13:41
Re: Picking up crates - array - playertopoint - by Saddin - 11.04.2017, 13:42
Re: Picking up crates - array - playertopoint - by DarkSkull - 11.04.2017, 13:44

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