Health Detection/Injury System

In my opinion, making a system like this based on health blows. I would just try something with death in general. Here are examples from my working script:

enum PlayerStatistics
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
    new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
    GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
    Player[playerid][LastWorld] = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);
    Player[playerid][LastInterior] = GetPlayerInterior(playerid);

    Player[playerid][LastX] = x;  //saves players position for spawning
    Player[playerid][LastY] = y; 
    Player[playerid][LastZ] = z;

    Player[playerid][IsDead] = 1;
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
     if(Player[playerid][IsDead] == 1)
          SetPlayerPos(playerid, Player[playerid][LastX], Player[playerid][LastY], Player[playerid][LastZ]);
 	  SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, Player[playerid][LastX], Player[playerid][LastY], Player[playerid][LastZ]);
 	  SetPlayerInterior(playerid, Player[playerid][LastInterior]);
 	  SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, Player[playerid][LastWorld]);

          format(string, sizeof(string), "(( Has been brutally wounded, /damages %d for more info. ))", playerid);
  	  SetPlayerChatBubble(playerid, string, ADM, 30.0, 600000); 
          // bunch of other shit, anims & etc 
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
    if(Player[playerid][IsDead] == 1)
         ApplyAnimation(playerid, // ur anim
You don't have to add TogglePlayerControllable on spawn while dead because having this under OnPlayerUpdate will just repeat the anim and they can't get up but still move their camera.

public OnPlayerGiveDamage(playerid, damagedid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart)
     if(Player[damagedid][IsDead] == 1) 
	TogglePlayerControllable(damagedid, false);
	Player[damagedid][IsDead] = 0;
	Player[damagedid][Dead] = 1;
        SetPlayerChatBubble(damagedid, "(( PLAYER IS DEAD ))", ADM, 30.0, 1220001);
Just my opinion & a base for you to start if you'd like.

Messages In This Thread
Health Detection/Injury System - by xLucy - 10.04.2017, 10:22
Re: Health Detection/Injury System - by khRamin78 - 10.04.2017, 10:27
Re: Health Detection/Injury System - by Kane - 10.04.2017, 10:33
Re: Health Detection/Injury System - by xLucy - 10.04.2017, 10:35
Re: Health Detection/Injury System - by khRamin78 - 10.04.2017, 10:35
Re: Health Detection/Injury System - by xLucy - 10.04.2017, 10:37
Re: Health Detection/Injury System - by xLucy - 10.04.2017, 10:44
Re: Health Detection/Injury System - by Kane - 10.04.2017, 10:46
Re: Health Detection/Injury System - by Kane - 10.04.2017, 10:49
Re: Health Detection/Injury System - by xLucy - 10.04.2017, 10:51

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