Take look at this

I have made some automatic gates the codes are as follows

PlayerToPoint(Float:radius, playerid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z)
  new Float:oldpos[3], Float:temppos[3];
  GetPlayerPos(playerid, oldpos[0], oldpos[1], oldpos[2]);
  temppos[0] = (oldpos[0] -X);
  temppos[1] = (oldpos[1] -Y);
  temppos[2] = (oldpos[2] -Z);
  if(((temppos[0] < radius) && (temppos[0] > -radius)) && ((temppos[1] < radius) && (temppos[1] > -radius)) && ((temppos[2] < radius) && (temppos[2] > -radius)))
    return true;
  return false;
new Lsgate;
new Lvgate;
forward CheckGate();
forward CheckGate2();
  Lsgate = CreateObject(980, 1961.425415, -2189.519043, 15.320267, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000);
  Lvgate = CreateObject(980, 1706.067505, 1607.601563, 11.983828, 0.0000, 0.0000, 253.4298);
  SetTimer("CheckGate", 1000, true);
  SetTimer("CheckGate2", 1000, true);
public CheckGate()
  for(new i = 0; i < GetMaxPlayers(); i++)
    if(!IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue;
    if(PlayerToPoint(9.5, i, 1961.425415, -2189.519043, 15.320267) && OpenGate[i] == 0)
      MoveObject(Lsgate, 1961.434082, -2189.519043, 9.050316,3);
      OpenGate[i] = 1;
    else if(!PlayerToPoint(5.5, i, 1961.425415, -2189.519043, 15.320267) && OpenGate[i] == 1)
      MoveObject(Lsgate,1961.425415, -2189.519043, 15.320267,3);
      OpenGate[i] = 0;
public CheckGate2()
  for(new i = 0; i < GetMaxPlayers(); i++)
    if(!IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue;
    if(PlayerToPoint(9.5, i, 1706.067505, 1607.601563, 11.983828) && OpenGate[i] == 0)
      MoveObject(Lvgate, 1706.055054, 1607.618652, 5.914435,3);
      OpenGate[i] = 1;
    else if(!PlayerToPoint(5.5, i, 1706.067505, 1607.601563, 11.983828) && OpenGate[i] == 1)
      MoveObject(Lvgate,1706.067505, 1607.601563, 11.983828,3);
      OpenGate[i] = 0;
Both the gates open but they dont close , i tried to add return 1; as well as return 0; but doesnt help it .... Please help me solving this riddle

Messages In This Thread
Take look at this - by Peter_Corneile - 02.09.2009, 00:54
Re: Take look at this - by Yuryfury - 02.09.2009, 01:21
Re: Take look at this - by Peter_Corneile - 02.09.2009, 01:47
Re: Take look at this - by Peter_Corneile - 03.09.2009, 08:30

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