06.04.2017, 23:24
You will need to listen for the connection from your C# application. To listen you will need to bind a listener to what ever port you choose to use, and then the server will wait for incoming connections.
Hopefully this will help you. Remember to close the socket after you are done with it.
// DEFINITIONS #define SOCKET_MAX_CONNECTIONS ( 1 ) // Change this to what ever limit you wish to use #define SOCKET_LISTEN_PORT ( 8000 ) // Change this to what ever port you wish to use // GLOBAL VARS new Socket:socket ; public OnGameModeInit() { socket = socket_create( TCP ); // or UDP if your using that protocol // Validate it if( is_socket_valid( socket ) ) { socket_set_max_connections( socket, SOCKET_MAX_CONNECTIONS ); // Limit the connections to it socket_listen( socket, SOCKET_LISTEN_PORT ); // Set the listen/bind port } } public onSocketRemoteConnect( Socket:id, remote_client[], remote_clientid ) { // Check if the socket belongs to you ( validate that its your C# app, if not destroy it ) // Log it? return 1; } public onSocketRemoteDisconnect( Socket:id, remote_clientid ) { // Log it? return 1; } public onSocketReceiveData( Socket:id, remote_clientid, data[], data_len ) { // Validate the data sent by the socket. return 1; }