03.04.2017, 11:11
code now after #edit
PHP код:
enum vInfo // The name of the enum. For naming convention use the system's first letter in lowercase.
vID, // The vehicle id used on the SA-MP to represent the vehicle.
vModel, // The vehicle model of the vehicle.
Float:vLoc[4], // The array which contains position and the rotation of the vehicle in 4 cells. So, basically {X = 0, Y = 1, Z = 2, R = 3}
vColor1, // The primary color of the vehicle.
vColor2, // The secondary color of the vehicle.
vRespawn, // The vehicle respawn time.
vOwner[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], // The vehicle's owner name. Remember string is a group of literal characters and the cells you provide should be the maximum length for that string.
bool:vLocked // Bool representing if the vehicle is locked or not. (0 = False, 1 = True)
new VehicleInfo[MAX_VEHICLES][vInfo]; // We are now making use of our ENUM by declaring an array which will hold all of the dynamic vehicle's information.
// The first cell is going to be the vehicle id based on our system(Not SA-MP). It's use to reference the dynamic vehicle for later usage.
// The second cell is the ENUM we made it. ENUMs are bunch of constant variables stacked up with each other.
// Imagine the array when the system will be ready. VehicleInfo[0][vID] or VehicleInfo[1][vID].
new bool:vCreated[MAX_VEHICLES]; // This will account the vehicles which has been created for later usage. The reason why we use this is to save/load
// the vehicle only if the vehicle is created. Otherwise not.
stock VehiclePath(vehicleID) // Creating a function which will get the vehicle path dynamically based on the vehicle id of the system.
new strPath[64]; // Declaring the variable which will hold and return the vehicle path by vehicle id.
format(strPath, sizeof(strPath), "/vehicle/%d.ini", vehicleID); // We are formatting the string so that it holds the file path based on the vehicle id. '%d' means it will be a whole number.
return strPath; // Return the file path so that it can be manipulate later on.
stock VehicleGetFreeSlot() // This function is used to get the free slot available to be used on the vehicle. It will be the vehicle id.
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_VEHICLES; i++) // Loop through all of the vehicles on the sa-mp world and increments the variable 'i' by 1.
if(!vCreated[i]) return i; // If that 'i' isn't being used on any of our system's vehicle then return this vehicle id and make use of it.
return -1; // Return -1 because 0 is a valid vehicle id for our system as we are left with -1.
stock VehicleCreate(vehicleModel, Float:vehicleLocX,Float:vehicleLocY,Float:vehicleLocZ,Float:vehicleLocRot, vehicleColor1, vehicleColor2, vehicleRespawn, vehicleOwner[], bool:vehicleLocked)
// This is our most important function. This will create the vehicle with the valid information provided on the arguments.
new vehicleid = VehicleGetFreeSlot(); // Get the free slot and store it on the vehicleid variable.
//Now, we will basically put the information from the arguments to our newly created vehicle's array.
VehicleInfo[vehicleid][vModel] = vehicleModel; // Assign our vehicle's model id to the model id provided.
VehicleInfo[vehicleid][vLoc] = vehicleLoc; // Assign our vehicle's position/rotation to the position/rotation provided.
VehicleInfo[vehicleid][vColor1] = vehicleColor1; // Assign our vehicle's primary color to the primary color provided.
VehicleInfo[vehicleid][vColor2] = vehicleColor2; // Assign our vehicle's secondary color to the secondary color provided.
VehicleInfo[vehicleid][vRespawn] = vehicleRespawn; // Assign our vehicle's respawn time to the respawn time provided.
format(VehicleInfo[vehicleid][vOwner], MAX_PLAYER_NAME, vehicleOwner); // Assign our vehicle's owner name to the owner name provided.
VehicleInfo[vehicleid][vLocked] = vehicleLocked; // Assign our vehicle's lock data to the lock data provided.
VehicleInfo[vehicleid][vID] = CreateVehicle(vehicleModel, vehicleLoc[0], vehicleLoc[1], vehicleLoc[2], vehicleLoc[3], vehicleColor1, vehicleColor2,
vehicleRespawn); // Now we are doing two things. We are creating our vehicle on the sa-mp world based on the data provided as well as assigning the
// sa-mp vehicle id to our system's vehicle id so that we can alter it later.
vCreated[vehicleid] = true; // Tell our vehicle management variable that this vehicle creation has been done and it's now on the system.
VehicleLock(vehicleid, VehicleInfo[vehicleid][vLocked]); // Toggle our vehicle's door based on the parameter.
return vehicleid; // Return the newly created vehicle's system id.
stock VehicleGet(vehicleID)
// Get the current sa-mp vehicle information for the provided vehicle id
GetVehiclePos(VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vID], VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vLoc][0], VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vLoc][1], VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vLoc][2]);
// Get the current position of that vehicle and assign it to our system's vehicle information.
GetVehicleZAngle(VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vID], VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vLoc][3]);
// Get the current rotation of that vehicle and assign it to our system's vehicle information.
stock VehicleLoad(vehicleID, file[])
// This function will load the vehicle provided by the id when the server starts.
INI_ParseFile(file, "LoadVehicleData", .bExtra = true, .extra = vehicleID); // Parse the vehicle data from the INI file.
VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vLoc][0],VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vLoc][1],VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vLoc][2], VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vLoc][3],VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vColor1], VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vColor2], VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vRespawn],
VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vOwner], VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vLocked]); // Creates the vehicle from the information we loaded and parsed. Pretty self-explanatory.
forward public LoadVehicleData(vehicleID, name[], value[]);
public LoadVehicleData(vehicleID, name[], value[]) // This a callback with the parameter of the vehicleID send from our VehicleLoad function. This function will pretty much parse the data from the file.
new strLoc[8]; // Will hold the location key name dynamically.
// The first argument is the key and the second argument is the data which will hold the value of that key.
INI_Int("model", VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vModel]);
for(new i = 0; i < 4; i++) format(strLoc, sizeof(strLoc), "Loc%d", i), INI_Float(strLoc, VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vLoc][i]);
// Looping through our location data and retrive it. Loc0 = LocX, Loc1 = LocY, Loc2 = LocZ, Loc3 = LocA.
INI_Int("color1", VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vColor1]); // You should've guessed it by now.
INI_Int("color2", VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vColor2]);
INI_Int("respawn", VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vRespawn]);
INI_String("owner", VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vOwner], MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vLocked] = INI_Int("locked") == 1 ? true : false;
//Converting the locked data from int(whole number) to bool(true/false) and assign it.
return 1;
stock VehicleSave(vehicleID) // This function will save our vehicle on the INI file and will create it if it doesn't exist.
new INI:dFile = INI_Open(VehiclePath(vehicleID)); // Open/Create the file for our vehicle.
new strLoc[8]; // Will hold the location key name dynamically.
// The first argument is the file to write the second is the key and the third argument is the value it will write.
INI_WriteInt(dFile, "model", VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vModel]);
for(new i = 0; i < 4; i++) format(strLoc, sizeof(strLoc), "Loc%d", i), INI_Float(dFile, strLoc, VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vLoc][i]);
// Looping through our location data and write it. Loc0 = LocX, Loc1 = LocY, Loc2 = LocZ, Loc3 = LocA.
INI_WriteInt(dFile, "color1", VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vColor1]); // You should've guessed it by now.
INI_WriteInt(dFile, "color2", VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vColor2]);
INI_WriteInt(dFile, "respawn", VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vRespawn]);
INI_WriteString(dFile, "owner", VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vOwner]);
INI_WriteInt(dFile, "locked", VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vLocked] ? 1 : 0);
//Converting the locked data from bool(true/false) to int(whole number) and write it.
stock VehicleLoadAll() // This function will load all of the system vehicles created and saved.
new index = 0; // We need this variable to keep track of the id or the index of the file. Start it with 0 as the id.
while(fexist(VehiclePath(index))) // If any system vehicle has been created before with that 0 id
VehicleLoad(index, VehiclePath(index)); // Then load that vehicle.
index++; // And move on to another system vehicle id.
printf("Vehicles Loaded: %d", index); // Print out how many vehicles has been loaded.
stock VehicleSaveAll()
new index = 0; // We need this variable to keep track of the id or the index of the file. Start it with 0 as the id.
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_VEHICLES; i++) // Loop through the maximum amount of vehicles allowed by sa-mp.
if(vCreated[i]) // If that is our system's vehicle and if it has been created
VehicleGet(index); // Get that vehicle's current data.
VehicleSave(index); // Save that vehicle's data on the file.
index++; // Move on to next vehicle.
printf("Vehicles Saved: %d", index); // Print out how many vehicles has been saved.
public OnGameModeInit()
VehicleLoadAll(); // Load all vehicles when the main script starts.
return 1;
public OnGameModeExit()
VehicleSaveAll(); // Save all vehicles when the main script stops/ends.
return 1;
stock VehicleValid(vehicleID) //Get's the system's vehicle id from sa-mp's vehicle id.
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_VEHICLES; i++) // For every vehicles till the maximum amount
if((vCreated[i]) && (VehicleInfo[i][vID] == vehicleID)) return i; // Is this vehicle created and it's the same sa-mp id as the argument provided? Return the system's id then.
return -1; // Return invalid system's vehicle id if it was not found.
stock VehicleEngine(vehicleID, bool:toggle) // Toggles the vehicle engine with the first parameter being the system's vehicle id not sa-mp's
new vehicleid = VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vID]; // Get's the sa-mp's vehicle id.
new engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective; // The variables to hold the current vehicle state.
GetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective); // Get's the current variable state and reference it to the variables.
SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, toggle, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective); // Set's the current vehicle state to be the same as before with just the engine being controlled by the bool:toggle parameter.
stock VehicleLock(vehicleID, bool:toggle) // Toggles the vehicle doors with the first parameter being the system's vehicle id not sa-mp's
new vehicleid = VehicleInfo[vehicleID][vID]; // Get's the sa-mp's vehicle id.
new engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective; // The variables to hold the current vehicle state.
GetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective); // Get's the current variable state and reference it to the variables.
SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, engine, lights, alarm, toggle, bonnet, boot, objective); // Set's the current vehicle state to be the same as before with just the door being controlled by the bool:toggle parameter.
new bool:engine; // This will check if we should turn on/turn off the engine. (TRUE/FALSE)
CMD:engine(playerid, params[], help) // The base YCMD command structure with the command name being /engine which will toggle the engine.
if(help) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Allows to toggle the vehicle engine."); // Shows him the help messages. Check out Y_CMD for more info.
new vehicleid = VehicleID(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)); // Get's our system vehicle id from our sa-mp's vehicle id.
if((IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) && (vehicleid != -1)) // If they are on a vehicle and if that vehicle is the system's vehicle.
engine = !engine; // Inverse our boolean. So, if it's false it should be true and if it's true it should be false.
VehicleEngine(vehicleid, engine); // Call the function we have just created.
return 1;
CMD:createvehicle(playerid, params[], help) // The base YCMD command structure with the command name being /createvehicle which will create a system's vehicle.
if(help) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Allows to create a dynamic vehicle."); // Shows him the help messages. Check out Y_CMD for more info.
new vehModel, vehColor1, vehColor2, vehRespawnTime; // This variables will have the arguments value stored in it which will be parsed from sscanf.
if(sscanf(params, "iiii", vehModel, vehColor1, vehColor2, vehRespawnTime)) // If they don't meet our arguments.
return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "USAGE: /createvehicle [Vehicle Model] [Color 1] [Color 2] [Respawn Time]"); // Return a message to convey them the correct order/format.
new Float:pLoc[4]; // This will hold our player's position and rotation data.
new strPlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; // This will hold our player's name.
new vehicleid; // This will hold our newly created sa-mp vehicle id.
GetPlayerPos(playerid, pLoc[0], pLoc[1], pLoc[2]); // Get's our player's position and store it in the variable.
GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, pLoc[3]); // Get's our player's rotation and store it in the variable.
GetPlayerName(playerid, strPlayerName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); // Get's our player's name and store it in the variable.
vehicleid = VehicleCreate(vehModel, pLoc, vehColor1, vehColor2, vehRespawnTime, strPlayerName, false);
//Set's the model based on the argument, the position based on the player's position, the two color's based on the argument, the respawn time
//based on the argument, the owner name based on the player's name and the vehicle lock to be false.
PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, 0); // Put the player in our vehicle.
return 1;