help me about exp

Depends on your script, as I can see JumlahExp[MAX_PLAYERS] is your exp variable, the default player score is your score variable, you can change or modify them as you like. As an example, by killing someone you could add +=2 to the exp value and +1 to the player score value.

Messages In This Thread
help me about exp - by Jihanz - 30.03.2017, 10:33
Re: help me about exp - by Toroi - 30.03.2017, 10:38
Re: help me about exp - by Jihanz - 30.03.2017, 10:40
Re: help me about exp - by Jihanz - 30.03.2017, 10:42
Re: help me about exp - by Toroi - 30.03.2017, 10:46
Re: help me about exp - by Jihanz - 30.03.2017, 11:02
Re: help me about exp - by Jihanz - 30.03.2017, 11:13

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