Server is online but doesn't show as online (IP to domain)

Check to see if you have the server added twice on the list. IE: Once at XXX.XxX.XXX.XXX and once as

Remove XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX and keep or re-add and it will return all the data it should.

Messages In This Thread
Server is online but doesn't show as online (IP to domain) - by Dignity - 25.03.2017, 15:26
Re: Server is online but doesn't show as online (IP to domain) - by iKarim - 25.03.2017, 15:33
Re: Server is online but doesn't show as online (IP to domain) - by Dignity - 25.03.2017, 15:36
Re: Server is online but doesn't show as online (IP to domain) - by Dignity - 25.03.2017, 20:44
Re: Server is online but doesn't show as online (IP to domain) - by Sebz - 26.03.2017, 00:45

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