error 017: undefined symbol "INSERT"

You are formatting Query with a new input. You are simply clearing the old value and inserting

"%d, `VIP`, `VIPTIME`,`CHATCOLOR`, `RACE`,`HOUSES`, `CONNECTED`, `PLAYERID`, `LCONNECT`, `POSX`, `POSY`, `POSZ`) VALUES (0,0,'16777215',0,0,1,'%d',0,0,0,0)"

Go for:

PHP код:
strcat(Query"INSERT INTO `users` (`name`, `password`, `ip`,`registro`,`score`, `dinero`, `admin`,`kills`, `deaths`, `jail`, `jailsec`, `skin`, `Turbo`, `Radio`, `Autofix`, `Nivel`, `Experiencia`,`MonsterKills`, `Color`,");
strcat(Query"`Headshot`,`Horas`, `Minutos`, `Segundos`, `DuelosWins`,`VIP`, `VIPTIME`,`CHATCOLOR`, `RACE`,`HOUSES`, `CONNECTED`, `PLAYERID`, `LCONNECT`, `POSX`, `POSY`, `POSZ`");
strcat(Query" VALUES ('%s','%s','%s,'%s',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,0,0,'-1',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'16777215',0,0,1,'%d',0,0,0,0)");
format(Querysizeof(Query),  DB_Escape(PI[playerid][JugadorNick]),DB_Escape(hashpass), 
It should work.

Messages In This Thread
error 017: undefined symbol "INSERT" - by Johangelo1 - 23.03.2017, 20:37
Re: error 017: undefined symbol "INSERT" - by Mencent - 23.03.2017, 20:47
Respuesta: Re: error 017: undefined symbol "INSERT" - by Johangelo1 - 23.03.2017, 21:01
Re: error 017: undefined symbol "INSERT" - by Mencent - 23.03.2017, 21:04
Respuesta: Re: error 017: undefined symbol "INSERT" - by Johangelo1 - 23.03.2017, 21:12
Re: error 017: undefined symbol "INSERT" - by Private200 - 23.03.2017, 22:02
Re: error 017: undefined symbol "INSERT" - by Private200 - 25.03.2017, 19:05
Re: error 017: undefined symbol "INSERT" - by DobbysGamertag - 25.03.2017, 20:29

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