22.03.2017, 19:14
At case:RegisterDialog at the return
You need to change what I've highlighted with red. You put there what dialog you want it to appear next. For example, you want the age dialog to appear after that so you add:
You get the idea? Then at the age dialog you neeed to put
I've made it as input, but you change it to whatever you need.
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, RegisterDialog, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{FF0000}Indonesia Real Life Roleplay - {FF0000}Register",string1,"Register","Quit");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, AgeDialog, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{FF0000}ENTER YOUR AGE {FF0000}Register",string1,"Enter","Quit");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, GenderDialog, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Enter your gender{FF0000}Register",string1,"Enter","Quit");