OnPlayerSpawn callback message duplicated or even start flood message

So hi
I tried a lot of tricks to fix it bad nothing helped with flood message.
I use this "sendClassMessage(playerid);" onplayerspawn so this message everytime you spawn start flood or dublicated. So this function look like this.

stock sendClassMessage(playerid)
	new string[128];
    format(string,sizeof(string),""COL_YELLOW">> You have spawned as a %s, use /class to change this",GetClassName(playerid));
    return 1;
So it send you class name, bat it look like this if you login

You have spawned as a Policeman, use /class to change this
You have spawned as a Civilian, use /class to change this

So idk how it get two class names. It should send just one. Jump in water is not allowed in my script so if i jump i set him back to spawn and select him to enemy team so it look like this

public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
	new Float:hp;
    if(hp <= 1.0) return SetPlayerHealth(playerid,-1.0);

	if(Map[AllowWater] == 0)
            pInfo[playerid][mostkills] = 0;
            pInfo[playerid][Killstreak] = 0;
	return 1;
So if play jump in water he get spam about 5 message or more, with example looks like this

You have spawned as a Policeman, use /class to change this
You have spawned as a Policeman, use /class to change this
You have spawned as a Policeman, use /class to change this
You have spawned as a Policeman, use /class to change this
You have spawned as a Policeman, use /class to change this

P.S i tried put checking teams bat same shit.

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