Creating and duplicating objs with command

I'm creating a map and wanted to add czech hedgehogs, and a lot of them, but it's painful to create since one consists of 3 objects; which means positioning and angling 3 objects just to create one. Duplicating and moving them on editor just messes the angles.

Could somebody help me create a temp. command to add these 3 objects in front my character in the position and angles they are in and then save the coords for each one so I can add it to the gamemode manually.

CreateObject(2388, 362.78699, -1875.40991, 6.50870,   17.00000, 40.00000, 0.00000);
CreateObject(2388, 363.58279, -1875.88696, 6.36470,   -17.00000, 40.00000, -180.00000);
CreateObject(2388, 362.94089, -1876.51245, 6.41270,   0.00000, 55.00000, 90.00000);

Messages In This Thread
Cmd to place multiple objs in the same position - by Zmith - 17.03.2017, 02:49

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