14.03.2017, 20:31
Execute the query in PHPMyAdmin itself (assuming you're on windows). That usually eliminates the invalid SQL.
As for the reason;
See below code. Explained as i fixed (hopefully). If you have any issues, let me know.
As for the reason;
See below code. Explained as i fixed (hopefully). If you have any issues, let me know.
pawn Код:
public CheckForRegister(name[], playerid)
new query[100];
format(query,sizeof(query),"SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE `username`='%s' LIMIT 1", name);
return mysql_tquery(handle, query, "IsPlayerRegistered", "i", playerid);
mysql_tquery(connectionHandle, query[], callback[] = "", format[] = "", {Float,_:...});
mysql_pquery(connectionHandle, query[], callback[] = "", format[] = "", {Float,_:...});
The above need to be called outside of the function. See IsPlayerRegistered(playerid) as an example.
IsPlayerRegistered - callback[]
"i" - specificer (i, d, s for example)
playerid - {Float,_:...} arguments (vehicleid, playerid, targetid etc)
forward public IsPlayerRegistered(playerid); // see the specifiers i used above ("i" and playerid, being the people's account we're checking for)
public IsPlayerRegistered(playerid)
new rows, fields;
cache_get_data(rows, fields, handle);
if(rows) /* NOTE: Since you're checking if there's an account, you CAN use cache_num_rows(); if you're fussy about line count */
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_PLAYER_ADD, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Register", "{FFFFFF}Username in use.\nChoose another name:", "Next", "");
// nothing found
return 1;