[FilterScript] Simple Fallout Minigame

Originally Posted by Flamehaze7
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Where are those indentation problems? I got no warnings in the compiler
Even if you have no warnings, you can't convince me that the code below is properly indented:
    if(FalloutPlayers == 1) //Checking if there's 1 player remaining
    for ( new z; z < MAX_PLAYERS; z++)
    if(FalloutPlayer[z] == 1) //Checking if he's a fallout player
    SendClientMessage(z,Green,"Congratz, you're the last man standing on the platform, you won! And you got some extra money for it!"); //Let's send him a message
    GivePlayerMoney(z,MONEY); //Give him the money for the victory you can change it from the top of the Filterscript
    SpawnPlayer(z); //Spawn him
    SetPlayerVirtualWorld(z,0); //Reset his virtual world
    //Reset everything for a new run
    FalloutPlayer[z] = 0;
    FalloutStarted = 0;
    FalloutPlayers = 0;
	SetTimer("RegenPlatforms",5000,0); //Let's recreate all the platforms in 20 seconds meanwhile they get destroyed and recreated
    //Now let's destroy all objects and reset them
    for(new o=0;o<sizeof(PlatformObject);o++) //Cycle to get all the objects
    if(IsValidObject(PlatformObject[o])) //Then destroy it


Messages In This Thread
Simple Fallout Minigame - by Flamehaze7 - 12.03.2017, 21:12
Re: Simple Fallout Minigame - by Roozevelt - 12.03.2017, 21:17
Re: Simple Fallout Minigame - by Flamehaze7 - 12.03.2017, 21:29
Re: Simple Fallout Minigame - by Jelly23 - 12.03.2017, 21:33
Re: Simple Fallout Minigame - by Flamehaze7 - 12.03.2017, 21:35
Re: Simple Fallout Minigame - by Infinity - 13.03.2017, 00:15
Re: Simple Fallout Minigame - by Flamehaze7 - 13.03.2017, 00:41
Re: Simple Fallout Minigame - by Infinity - 13.03.2017, 09:38
Re: Simple Fallout Minigame - by Flamehaze7 - 13.03.2017, 10:06
Re: Simple Fallout Minigame - by Infinity - 13.03.2017, 10:19

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