
Adicione na sua OnPlayerDeath:

if(killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) // Se a causa da morte й um jogador.
//Aqui coloque todo o Conteudo da Public

@ Edit
English solution!

Add in your OnPlayerDeath:

if(killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) // If the cause of death is a player.
//Here are all the content of the Public

Regards, BlastHosting Suporte .

Messages In This Thread
Help-me - by kolor4d0 - 11.03.2017, 14:37
Re: Help-me - by SyS - 11.03.2017, 14:38
Re: Help-me - by RDM - 11.03.2017, 14:52
Re: Help-me - by Unte99 - 11.03.2017, 14:54
Re: Help-me - by RDM - 11.03.2017, 15:00
Re: Help-me - by Sew_Sumi - 11.03.2017, 15:41

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