A noiseless mouse?

You can make your current mouse noiseless.


The only part where you have to be careful is step 7. You have to use something very thin in order to insert the object in a very small gap so you can lift up the whole plastic part which is covering the mechanism.

Also, when you are going to have problems such as double clicking or sometimes not clicking at all, you can just remove the thin metal in this picture: https://d1alt1wkdk73qo.cloudfront.ne...c4/640x960.jpg

Bend the part some more and then place the thin metal back. As you can see, it's really easy. There are videos on internet if you are going to need some more details.

Messages In This Thread
A noiseless mouse? - by Ercha - 08.03.2017, 10:08
Re: A noiseless mouse? - by JessThompson - 08.03.2017, 11:37
Re: A noiseless mouse? - by Unte99 - 08.03.2017, 13:09
Re: A noiseless mouse? - by Gammix - 08.03.2017, 13:19
Re: A noiseless mouse? - by Unte99 - 08.03.2017, 13:23

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