A noiseless mouse?

Hello. So I've been wondering, if anyone knows, or used to have the pc mouse which is noiseless? By noiseless I mean, the ''clicking'' sound. I hate sometimes when someone hears my nonstop clicking if I play some action game. I've heard, that there are some mouses which doesn't have those ''click'' sounds from the buttons.

Messages In This Thread
A noiseless mouse? - by Ercha - 08.03.2017, 10:08
Re: A noiseless mouse? - by JessThompson - 08.03.2017, 11:37
Re: A noiseless mouse? - by Unte99 - 08.03.2017, 13:09
Re: A noiseless mouse? - by Gammix - 08.03.2017, 13:19
Re: A noiseless mouse? - by Unte99 - 08.03.2017, 13:23

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