Delete Account from MySQL not work?!

No, it only says "cant find account", I don't know what problem this is.

And it doesn't print anything on the console.

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by DuyDang2412 - 06.03.2017, 06:57
Re: Delete Account from MySQL not work?! - by XStormiest - 06.03.2017, 08:00
[No subject] - by DuyDang2412 - 06.03.2017, 08:03
Re: Delete Account from MySQL not work?! - by XStormiest - 06.03.2017, 08:10
XStormiest - by DuyDang2412 - 06.03.2017, 08:48
Re: Delete Account from MySQL not work?! - by StrikerZ - 06.03.2017, 09:07
Re: Delete Account from MySQL not work?! - by DuyDang2412 - 06.03.2017, 09:29
Re: Delete Account from MySQL not work?! - by DuyDang2412 - 06.03.2017, 09:31
Re: Delete Account from MySQL not work?! - by Runn3R - 06.03.2017, 13:30

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