Dynamic Race player count

Yesterday i followed this tutorial to make a Dynamic Race: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=401252

The problem is that, i'll make a quick example: Me and another player are racing against, i'm first and the other guy is the last, he decides to leave the race by using the command /leaverace but when he uses that command and i finish the race i get the second position instead of getting the first.

Here's the script

stock LeaveRace(playerid, raceid)
    RaceCheckpoint[playerid] = -1;
	//Race checkpoint reset
 	InRace[playerid] = -1;
  	//Player is put out of the race
	//Players checkpoint is disabled.
	//If the player was in a car
 		new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
	 	//We fetch the players vehicle ID
		SetVehicleVirtualWorld(vehicleid, 0);
 		//We reset the vehicles virtual world to 0
  		SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
   		//Sets the player to virtual world 0 too
   		PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, 0);
		//We put the player in the vehicle just in case
		SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
		//If the player was on foot we just put him back to virtual
		//world 0.
	if(RaceInfo[raceid][racerunning] == true)
	//If the race has actually started rather than just a player waiting for the
	//race to start leaving the race.
		//RaceInfo[raceid][originalcount]--;//Credo che sia questo il bug
		//RaceInfo[raceid][originalcount]--; BISOGNA TESTARE PIU' COSE
		//removes a player from the racecount.
		if(RaceInfo[raceid][racecount] == 0) StopRace(raceid);
		//If there is nobody in the race after this person leaves then we have to
		//stop the race from running.
	return 1;
if(InRace[playerid] != -1)
	//This just makes sure the player is actually in a race. You may be using
	//race checkpoints for something else as well as this race system.
	    if(RaceCheckpoint[playerid] > 0)
		//RaceCheckpoint[playerid] = 0 is if the player is in a race but at
		//the starting checkpoint rather than actually racing. We check if the
		//player is at a checkpoint further than CP 1.
		    new raceid = InRace[playerid], checkpoint = RaceCheckpoint[playerid];
		    //Above variables just makes it easier for us to use and understand
		    //the code. We put the raceid that the player is in into the raceid
		    //variable... YAY :). We also put the checkpoint id into the
		    //checkpoint variable ;).
			if(checkpoint == RaceInfo[raceid][cpnum])
			//If we have the same checkpoint value as the race checkpoints before
			//we add one to our race checkpoint variable then we have gone through
			//the finishing checkpoint which means we should initiate the finish
			//race code and stop it there with a return 1;
				//Player leaves the race.
				new str[128], playername[24];
				//creates the variables for the string we will format and the
				//variable to hold the players name.
				format(str, sizeof(str), "~w~Gara Terminata~n~~g~Posizione %d/%d - ~b~Tempo: %s",  (RaceInfo[raceid][originalcount] - (RaceInfo[raceid][racecount] - 1)), RaceInfo[raceid][originalcount], ReturnTime(RaceInfo[raceid][racetime]));
				//Formats the string that will be sent to the player in a gametext.
				//(RaceInfo[raceid][originalcount] - (RaceInfo[raceid][racecount] - 1))
				//Starts at the original count minus the players in the race
				//minus the player himself (-1).
				GameTextForPlayer(playerid, str, 3000, 3);
				//Sends the player an on screen text of that formatted text above
				GetPlayerName(playerid, playername, sizeof(playername));
				//Gets the players name for the message that will be sent to everyone
				format(str, sizeof(str), "[GARA TERMINATA] %s (ID: %d) ha terminato la gara %s (ID: %d) in %s nella posizione %d/%d", playername, playerid, RaceInfo[raceid][racename], raceid, ReturnTime(RaceInfo[raceid][racetime]), (RaceInfo[raceid][originalcount] - (RaceInfo[raceid][racecount]-1)), RaceInfo[raceid][originalcount]);
				//Formats a message for everyone with the players race results
				//which include his name, id, race name, raceid, time, and
				if(RaceInfo[raceid][originalcount] - (RaceInfo[raceid][racecount]-1) == 1)
                    new CQuery[200];
						new stringnome[256];
						new nomest[128];
						format(stringnome,sizeof(stringnome),"Grazie alla vittoria nella Gara di {00FF22}%s{00CED1} il Clan {FFFFFF}%s{00CED1} guadagna 1 Punto!",nomest,GetPlayerClan(playerid));
                        format(CQuery, 200, "UPDATE `clans` SET `clankills` = '%d' WHERE `clanname` = '%s'", GetClanKills(GetPlayerClan(playerid)) + 1, GetPlayerClan(playerid));
                        db_query(Database, CQuery);
				SendClientMessage(playerid,Lightblue,"Per essere arrivato nella prima posizione hai guadagnato 15000$ e 1 Punto Esperienza!");

				if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pExp] >= 20) {
	            PlayerInfo[playerid][pExp] = 0;
	            new stringzul[256];
                new level = PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel];
                format(stringzul, sizeof(stringzul),"[Level-UP]: {00FF22}Complimenti! Sei salito al Livello: %d", level);
				SendClientMessageToAll(0xFF00AA, str);
				//sends everyone the formatted string.
				LeaveRace(playerid, InRace[playerid]);
				return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Dynamic Race player count - by Flamehaze7 - 27.02.2017, 17:11
Re: Dynamic Race player count - by Nero_3D - 27.02.2017, 22:28

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