[GameMode] 1 Hit Kill - A/D [SQLite]

1 Hit Kill was an old community that served for two years and sadly we had to close the community one year ago due to lack of funds, we were also busy to run a community therefore we decided to close the community and this day had come, I've released the gamemode since i'm no longer using it as far as I know.

Alright, pretty sure that you are looking for the features to be stated so you know more about this gamemode.

• Basic Anti-Cheat.
• Anti Team Balance.
• Registeration/Login System using SQLite.
• Spawn Protection.
• Administrative System.
• Custom VIP System.
• Map Changer System. (You are now able to add maps in-game, it's very easy and you are free to contact me anytime if you meet any issues with the Map Creation system nor got any questions about it)
• Map Boundaries System. (Yes, you can make a map in for example Idlewood Pizza stack by adding boundaries there and it won't let players go out the boundaries you made)
• Achievements System. (You can unlock new guns by unlocking the achievements)
• Killing Spree System.
• Headshot System. (Works with Rifle, Deagle and Sniper)
• Easter Event and Halloween Event. (Note that i'm using the same function "EasterEgg" but you can change the object ID and client messages from Easter Egg to Halloween Pumpkin)
• Red|Blue Teams, each team has a VIP class that spawns with armour, laser and few attachments.
• Max FPS/Ping System. (Can be adjusted by an admin in-game)
• T-Bag System. (You can crouch near the player you killed before his body dissapears and you gotta T-Bag him, will refill your ammo and gives you a score)
• You gotta choose the weapons you spawn with using /gunmenu. (You unlock different guns by achieveing their achievements, for example; Unlock M4 by achieveing 250 AK47 Kills)
• FPS and Ping of each player is appearing on his skin as a label.
• Team score in a textdraw.
• When the round ends a score table pops up with the top players to worst players with the amount of kills/deaths they achieved this round.
• Each gun you have appears over your body unless you are holding it.
There's few more features that you gotta check yourself.


Administrative Commands
/asay /admins /slap /kick /mute /unmute /spec /specoff /check /ban /freeze /unfreeze /clearchat /ann /offlineban /unban /searchban /skin /banip /setlevel /v /getgun /jetpack /(un)lock /skipmap /minfps /maxping /crash /setvip /makemap /ok /addscore /skin /givescore
Player Commands
/weather /time /radio /gunmenu /exit /pm /r /blockpm /blockpmall /changepass /kill /stats /wkills (OR) /wstats /rewards /sstats /vipinfo /updates /report
Latest Changes to the script
PHP код:
string "";
strcat(string"{88FF88}07 May 2015 - {88FFBB}v0.96 - By TopShooter and X.");
strcat(string"\n{FFFF00}- Improved textdraws");
strcat(string"\n{FFFF00}- Updated admin commands");
strcat(string"\n\n{88FF88}26 April 2015 - By TopShooter, X.K and iDragonZ");
strcat(string"\n{FFFF00}- Fixed small bugs related to cheats detection");
strcat(string"\n{FFFF00}- Added map: Sniper Heaven by iDragonZ");
strcat(string"\n\n{88FF88}25 April 2015 - {88FFBB}v0.95 - By TopShooter");
strcat(string"\n{FFFF00}- Added T-bagging feature. Crouch over last killed enemy's body to refill ammo");
strcat(string"\n{FFFF00}- T-bags are now recorded in /stats");
strcat(string"\n{FFFF00}- Reduced weapon ammos to encourage T-bagging");
strcat(string"\n{FFFF00}- Fixed a bug where players could refill ammo from /guns menu");
strcat(string"\n{FFFF00}- Secret Reward 2 will now unlock on 50 T-bags instead of 50 Punch kills (/rewards for more info)");
strcat(string"\n{FFFF00}- Secret Reward 3 will now unlock on 50 grenade kills instead of 100 Grenade kills (/rewards for more info)");
strcat(string"\n{FFFF00}- Fixed a bug where players could spawn and be stuck without login or register");
strcat(string"\n{FFFF00}- Added detection of Ammo Hacks");
strcat(string"\n{FFFF00}- Removed map: Chilliad Shack");
strcat(string"\n\n{88FF88}23 April 2015 - {88FFBB}v0.94 - By TopShooter and X.K");
strcat(string"\n{FFFF00}- Added detection of common cheats: Jetpack, Airbreak, Speedhack, Armor, Weapon Hacks");
strcat(string"\n{FFFF00}- Fixed cigar position on all skins");
strcat(string"\n{FFFF00}- You will not get kicked for FPS, Ping & PL now unless you spawn");
strcat(string"\n{FFFF00}- Added 1 new map: Pwnage Station by Oakz and removed 1 bad map: Bayside Marina");
    strcat(string, "\n\n{88FF88}9 April 2015 - By TopShooter and X.K");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Fixed rewards messages appearing more than once");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Fixed a bug where people could sync while on end round table");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Fixed a bug where people could kill others after round end");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Added 3 new maps: Junkyard, Oil Refinery, Pilgrim");
    strcat(string, "\n\n{88FF88}8 April 2015 - By TopShooter and X.K");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Easter Event ended");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Added FPS, Ping and PL limits: 30 FPS, 420 Ping, 1.0 PL");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Added /kill command");
    strcat(string, "\n\n{88FF88}7 April 2015 - By TopShooter and X.K");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Last Day of Easter Event. Reward of opening Halloween Pumpkin changed.");
    strcat(string, "\n\n{88FF88}5 April 2015 - By TopShooter and X.K");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Made more checks to ensure stats saving");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Day 2 of Easter Event. Reward of opening Halloween Pumpkin changed.");
    strcat(string, "\n\n{88FF88}4 April 2015 - By TopShooter and X.K");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Easter Event enabled. 1 Halloween Pumpkin is placed in each map. Finder gets a nice surprise.");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Added sounds on round win and /guns menu selections");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Stats should technically never be lost now, even in case of server restart");
    strcat(string, "\n\n{88FF88}2 April 2015 - {88FFBB}v0.93 - By TopShooter and X.K");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Weapon selection (/guns) is now in the form of decent clickable textdraws instead of menus");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Added /exit command to exit weapon selection (Helpful if you mistakenly press Esc during weapon selection)");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Textdraws for Headshot and Killing Spree are more sleek, separate and do not overlap each other now");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Removed /changename command as it was causing player stats to be lost (Contact X.K for future name changes)");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Secret reward 1 will now unlock on 50 headshots instead of 25 punch kills (/rewards for more info)");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Weapon in hand on spawn is now Fist");
    strcat(string, "\n\n{88FF88}29 March 2015 - By TopShooter and X.K");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Fixed a bug where players were spawning half-way inside ground in interiors");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Fixed a bug where interior map start camera was not showing any objects");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Fixed a bug where VIP 3D text was appearing above non-VIP players");
    strcat(string, "\n\n{88FF88}27 March 2015 - By TopShooter and X.K");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Fixed hit/damage and kill/death textdraws");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Added 2 new commands: /changename and /changepass");
    strcat(string, "\n\n{88FF88}26 March 2015 - By TopShooter and X.K");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Unlocked weapons are now wearable. Type /rewards for more details");
    strcat(string, "\n\n{88FF88}24 March 2015 - By TopShooter and X.K");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- VIP system is now available. Type /vipinfo or /donate for more details");
    strcat(string, "\n\n{88FF88}21 March 2015 - By TopShooter and X.K");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Script converted back to 1 Hit Kill system");
    strcat(string, "\n\n{88FF88}30 January 2015 - By X.K");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Increased map time from 5 minutes to 7 minutes");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Weather/Time will now only randomize on each map start and on login");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- If a player uses /weather or /time command, then his weather/time won't change each map");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Turned off auto-play radio on login");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Added 4 new maps: Chilliad Shack, Ocean Flats, Paradiso, Bayside Marina");
    strcat(string, "\n\n{88FF88}29 January 2015 - By X.K");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Script converted from 1 Hit Kill system to full HP and Armor");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Headshot kills still exist and will stay");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Random weather/time added which will change after every minute");
    strcat(string, "\n{FFFF00}- Removed player AC check system since old AC doesn't exist anymore");
strcat(string"\n\n{88FF88}Stuff still under construction:");
strcat(string"\n{FFFF00}- Helmet protection from headshots");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_HELPS,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"{FFFF00}Latest Updates"string"OK","");

Note that there's some missing features in the images that I couldn't take since I needed somebody online with me so I can take these images, so test them yourself.

Full Album
Kalcor - SA-MP
TopShooter - Original Scripter
X.K - Original Scripter
Kar - Foreach
Zeex - ZCMD
Whitetiger - Goelocation
Westie - Strlib
Southclaw - Progress Bars
Emmet_ - sscanf

There's currently no known bugs as I fixed the latest known bugs were fixed before I release it, if you found any bug just inform me so I can be aware of the bug and may fix it aswell.


Server Files
Server Files
Server Files


This script uses SQLite Database.

Old videos/trailers
Trailer #1

I was told to re-post all of my releases I had on this new account as my previous account has been bugged and I'm no longer able to use it, so do not report or reply wondering why did I re-post these releases, thanks.

Messages In This Thread
1 Hit Kill - A/D [SQLite] - by TopShooter2 - 25.02.2017, 19:47
Re: 1 Hit Kill - A/D [SQLite] - by TOS - 25.02.2017, 19:49
Re: 1 Hit Kill - A/D [SQLite] - by RyderX - 26.02.2017, 06:45
Re: 1 Hit Kill - A/D [SQLite] - by Roozevelt - 26.02.2017, 08:17
Re: 1 Hit Kill - A/D [SQLite] - by TopShooter2 - 26.02.2017, 13:48
Re: 1 Hit Kill - A/D [SQLite] - by Bolex_ - 04.03.2017, 13:32
Re: 1 Hit Kill - A/D [SQLite] - by TopShooter2 - 04.03.2017, 13:46
Re: 1 Hit Kill - A/D [SQLite] - by Sumit4 - 04.03.2017, 14:01
Re: 1 Hit Kill - A/D [SQLite] - by Eoussama - 04.03.2017, 14:06
Re: 1 Hit Kill - A/D [SQLite] - by TopShooter2 - 06.03.2017, 11:18
Re: 1 Hit Kill - A/D [SQLite] - by Kalashnecov - 09.03.2017, 13:58
Re: 1 Hit Kill - A/D [SQLite] - by iLearner - 09.03.2017, 14:16
Re: 1 Hit Kill - A/D [SQLite] - by iTzFireShark420 - 10.03.2017, 05:56
Re: 1 Hit Kill - A/D [SQLite] - by LeonMrBonnie - 10.03.2017, 15:28
Re: 1 Hit Kill - A/D [SQLite] - by ZukerCup - 10.03.2017, 16:49
Re: 1 Hit Kill - A/D [SQLite] - by PGaming - 11.03.2017, 11:31
Re: 1 Hit Kill - A/D [SQLite] - by TopShooter2 - 11.03.2017, 11:42
Re: 1 Hit Kill - A/D [SQLite] - by TitanX - 11.03.2017, 11:45

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