Gamemode starts "hanging", ackslimit problems?

Ahoy friends

I published my latest work Last Bed Standing and its working fine.
But problem is: After some time or after connecting i get some client exceeded 'ackslimit' limit 10000 bla bla.
I raised the limit up to 10000 but still having this problems.

When i encounter this problems nothing works on the server, the players do not receive money or anything else.
I also get "messageholelimit" errors

Whats the problem?

Link to my gamemode

Messages In This Thread
Gamemode starts "hanging", ackslimit problems? - by faxxe - 24.02.2017, 14:07
Re: Gamemode starts "hanging", ackslimit problems? - by Vince - 24.02.2017, 14:49
Re: Gamemode starts "hanging", ackslimit problems? - by faxxe - 24.02.2017, 16:10

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