Error 032 -

I think that means you are trying to use an Index in PlayerInfo array that doesnt exist...

For example you have:

#define MAX_PLAYERS 50

new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][pInfo];

And SOMWHERE you are doing this:

PlayerInfo[51][money] = 1000;


PlayerInfo[65535][money] = 1000;
In this case, 65535 = INVALID_PLAYER_ID

Messages In This Thread
Error 032 - - by VixxeN - 22.02.2017, 12:23
Re: Error 032 - - by iamjems - 22.02.2017, 12:44
Re: Error 032 - - by Unte99 - 22.02.2017, 12:47
Re: Error 032 - - by Yousha - 22.02.2017, 12:48
Re: Error 032 - - by VixxeN - 22.02.2017, 13:38
Re: Error 032 - - by Mic_H - 22.02.2017, 14:02
Re: Error 032 - - by VixxeN - 22.02.2017, 14:06
Re: Error 032 - - by VixxeN - 22.02.2017, 14:13

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