can anyone help me with php


////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\EDIT The Below Variables\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ONLY EDIT WITHIN THE QUOTATION MARKS ("")\\\
$servername = ""; //Server name (usually "localhost")
$database = "port_5930";    //Database name (often username_databasename)
$username = "port_5930";        //User name for MySQL Database
$password = "*******";          //Password for MySQL User name
//// \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\DO NOT EDIT BELOW\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
$connect = mysqli_connect($servername,$username,$password);
    mysqli_select_db($database, $connect) or die(mysqli_error());

so here's the whole config.php i hope it helps

thanks in advance

Messages In This Thread
can anyone help me with php - by iKevin - 13.02.2017, 19:52
Re: can anyone help me with php - by Meller - 13.02.2017, 19:58
Re: can anyone help me with php - by iKevin - 13.02.2017, 20:00
Re: can anyone help me with php - by iKevin - 14.02.2017, 13:57
Re: can anyone help me with php - by Luis- - 14.02.2017, 14:15
Re: can anyone help me with php - by iKevin - 17.02.2017, 14:02
Respuesta: can anyone help me with php - by Eloy - 17.02.2017, 14:13
Re: can anyone help me with php - by Macronix - 17.02.2017, 14:14
Re: can anyone help me with php - by iKevin - 17.02.2017, 14:38
Re: can anyone help me with php - by BroZeus - 17.02.2017, 15:45

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