Car Colors

Originally Posted by ISmokezU
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I don't think "-1" with vehicle color causes this i have the same problem but it only happens to my admin spawn vehicles.
If you use -1 it's a random color...

Respawning the vehicle will not reset the color set to them in the for loop unless you run the loop again, instead it will make a new color each time it respawns.

Stop posting to try and 1-up on me, because the fact is that his code has -1, where it could EASILY simply have 128 in it... No need to make a variable, or a define... It just needs to have the function used correctly rather than having extra shit in the script that's unneeded.

We don't need GetVehicleColor... It's a spawn vehicle, for one team... It simply needs the color that it should have, on it's respawn.

I really hope no-one else has followed the suggestion in the thread that has led to this script issue, and I really hope no-one even gave the guy rep, as it's a really crappy way of making the colors for cars where there is a function for that in the AddStaticVehicle.

Messages In This Thread
Car Colors - by 1fret - 16.02.2017, 02:59
Re: Car Colors - by Sew_Sumi - 16.02.2017, 03:17
Re: Car Colors - by ISmokezU - 16.02.2017, 03:25
Re: Car Colors - by Sew_Sumi - 16.02.2017, 03:40
Re: Car Colors - by 1fret - 16.02.2017, 03:44
Re: Car Colors - by Sew_Sumi - 16.02.2017, 03:49

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