16.02.2017, 03:40
I don't think "-1" with vehicle color causes this i have the same problem but it only happens to my admin spawn vehicles.
Respawning the vehicle will not reset the color set to them in the for loop unless you run the loop again, instead it will make a new color each time it respawns.
Stop posting to try and 1-up on me, because the fact is that his code has -1, where it could EASILY simply have 128 in it... No need to make a variable, or a define... It just needs to have the function used correctly rather than having extra shit in the script that's unneeded.
We don't need GetVehicleColor... It's a spawn vehicle, for one team... It simply needs the color that it should have, on it's respawn.
I really hope no-one else has followed the suggestion in the thread that has led to this script issue, and I really hope no-one even gave the guy rep, as it's a really crappy way of making the colors for cars where there is a function for that in the AddStaticVehicle.