[Include] s_actors - Dynamic Actor's (complete functions) (streamer - library requires: YSI)

If you use the YSI version and do not have the corresponding library clearly the console will mark errors when compiling, if you use the normal version would not have why. In either case, both versions require the include / plugin streamer. If you see that you have everything correct, possibly have several includes outdated, check the versions that are either YSI, streamer and those that the server folder is by default.



Messages In This Thread
s_actors - Dynamic Actor's (complete functions) (streamer/YSI) - by Unrea1 - 07.07.2016, 04:33
Respuesta: s_actors - Dynamic Actor's (complete functions) (streamer - library requires: YSI) - by Unrea1 - 07.07.2016, 16:16
Re: s_actors - Dynamic Actor's (complete functions) (streamer - library requires: YSI) - by Pottus - 07.07.2016, 18:16
Respuesta: Re: s_actors - Dynamic Actor's (complete functions) (streamer - library requires: YSI) - by Unrea1 - 07.07.2016, 18:59
Re: Respuesta: Re: s_actors - Dynamic Actor's (complete functions) (streamer - library requires: YSI) - by Pottus - 07.07.2016, 21:05
Respuesta: Re: Respuesta: Re: s_actors - Dynamic Actor's (complete functions) (streamer - library requires: YSI) - by Unrea1 - 07.07.2016, 21:19
Re: s_actors - Dynamic Actor's (complete functions) (streamer - library requires: YSI) - by Tvietnam - 09.07.2016, 07:38
Re: s_actors - Dynamic Actor's (complete functions) (streamer - library requires: YSI) - by Krauser123 - 12.02.2017, 22:03
Re: s_actors - Dynamic Actor's (complete functions) (streamer - library requires: YSI) - by Unrea1 - 12.02.2017, 22:54
Re: s_actors - Dynamic Actor's (complete functions) (streamer - library requires: YSI) - by Krauser123 - 12.02.2017, 23:41
Re: s_actors - Dynamic Actor's (complete functions) (streamer - library requires: YSI) - by Unrea1 - 13.02.2017, 00:06
Re: s_actors - Dynamic Actor's (complete functions) (streamer - library requires: YSI) - by Krauser123 - 13.02.2017, 00:11
Re: s_actors - Dynamic Actor's (complete functions) (streamer - library requires: YSI) - by Unrea1 - 13.02.2017, 00:19
Re: s_actors - Dynamic Actor's (complete functions) (streamer - library requires: YSI) - by Krauser123 - 29.03.2017, 22:21
Re: s_actors - Dynamic Actor's (complete functions) (streamer - library requires: YSI) - by Unrea1 - 31.03.2017, 04:38
Re: s_actors - Dynamic Actor's (complete functions) (streamer - library requires: YSI) - by Unrea1 - 03.04.2017, 15:38
Re: s_actors - Dynamic Actor's (complete functions) (streamer - library requires: YSI) - by Crayder - 03.04.2017, 16:16
Re: s_actors - Dynamic Actor's (complete functions) (streamer - library requires: YSI) - by AbyssMorgan - 03.04.2017, 16:17
Re: s_actors - Dynamic Actor's (complete functions) (streamer - library requires: YSI) - by Unrea1 - 03.04.2017, 16:34
Re: s_actors - Dynamic Actor's (complete functions) (streamer - library requires: YSI) - by Crayder - 05.04.2017, 16:12

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