Setting correct checkpoint from dialog

Hello, I got a business system which you can order cargo for your business.

And when you open cargo deliveries for your business for truckers to bring cargos your business info pops up in this dialog:

But I want to set checkpoint for players when they click the business that they want to deliver the cargo, i used these codes but it only sets the checkpoint to blueberry ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 coordinates )

my command to see which businesses accepting cargo

CMD:test1(playerid, params[])
new count = 0;
new string[512];
for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(bInfo[i][bPI] == 1)
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s%s %d %d\n", string, bInfo[i][bName], bInfo[i][bPW], bInfo[i][bPM]);
Dialog_Show(playerid, KKE, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "TEST", string, "TEST", "TEST");
if(count == 0)
SendMSG(playerid,"No one accepting product.");
return 1;

And dialog return

Dialog:KKE(playerid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
	if (response)
	SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,bInfo[playerid][iX], bInfo[playerid][iY], bInfo[playeridid][iZ],3.0);
	return 1;
How can I make this happen?

Messages In This Thread
Setting correct checkpoint from dialog - by Rongvaldyr - 12.02.2017, 16:26
Re: Setting correct checkpoint from dialog - by Rongvaldyr - 13.02.2017, 15:09

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