11.02.2017, 15:32
Oh yeah, sorry for missing that out and also the late reply, i posted this last night, here's the load to.
stock LoadEntrances() { new Str[512], eID, Float:ex, Float:ey, Float:ez, Float:ea, Float:ix, Float:iy, Float:iz, Float:ia, int, vw, i = 1; mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `entrances`"); mysql_store_result(); if(mysql_num_rows() > 0) { while(mysql_fetch_row(Str)) { sscanf(Str, "p<|>iffffffffii", eID, ex, ey, ez, ea, ix, iy, iz, ia, int, vw); Entrances[i][EntranceID] = eID; Entrances[i][eX] = ex; Entrances[i][eY] = ey; Entrances[i][eZ] = ez; Entrances[i][eA] = ea; Entrances[i][iX] = ix; Entrances[i][iY] = iy; Entrances[i][iZ] = iz; Entrances[i][iA] = ia; Entrances[i][EntranceInt] = int; Entrances[i][EntranceWorld] = vw; CreatePickup(1239, 1, ex, ey, ez, -1); tTotalEntrances++; i++; } } mysql_free_result(); return 1; }