07.02.2017, 15:26
Anybody know how to set a FAKE weapon in a actor hands?
I was thinking in something to get actor position
And create a object in hands of actor using this animation:
Just to pretend that the actor was using the weapon...
I was thinking in something to get actor position
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetActorPos(actorid, x, y, z);
ApplyActorAnimation(actorid, "SHOP, "ROB_Loop_Threat", 4.0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
stock GetWeaponModel(weaponid) { switch(weaponid) { case 1: return 331; case 2..8: return weaponid+331; case 9: return 341; case 10..15: return weaponid+311; case 16..18: return weaponid+326; case 22..29: return weaponid+324; case 30,31: return weaponid+325; case 32: return 372; case 33..45: return weaponid+324; case 46: return 371; } return 0; }