07.02.2017, 15:05
I think these lines are causing that runtime error, because you simply didn't check if "bos" is valid array index.
Remove them with these:
Edit: If it doesn't fix your problem, try recompile your script with -d3 flag as Sreyas said.
new bos = PlayerInfo[x][pWSBos]; GetVehiclePos(WsInfo[bos][wsVehicleId][i], vx, y, z); GetVehicleZAngle(WsInfo[bos][wsVehicleId][i], a); WsInfo[bos][wsVehicleX][i] = vx; WsInfo[bos][wsVehicleY][i] = y; WsInfo[bos][wsVehicleZ][i] = z; WsInfo[bos][wsVehicleAngle][i] = a;
new bos = PlayerInfo[x][pWSBos]; if(bos == -1) continue; GetVehiclePos(WsInfo[bos][wsVehicleId][i], vx, y, z); GetVehicleZAngle(WsInfo[bos][wsVehicleId][i], a); WsInfo[bos][wsVehicleX][i] = vx; WsInfo[bos][wsVehicleY][i] = y; WsInfo[bos][wsVehicleZ][i] = z; WsInfo[bos][wsVehicleAngle][i] = a;