SMF Design

You need to find the CSS file which is inside your forum "folder" from your Web-Hosting Panel (FTP) and find the "box" color. The step to get the "color" of the box is using a Color Picker Program.

Messages In This Thread
SMF Design - by Loinal - 02.02.2017, 20:48
Re: SMF Design - by Alex Magaсa - 02.02.2017, 21:18
Re: SMF Design - by Loinal - 02.02.2017, 21:28
Re: SMF Design - by Luis- - 02.02.2017, 21:38
Re: SMF Design - by Loinal - 02.02.2017, 22:01
Re: SMF Design - by Luis- - 02.02.2017, 22:56
Re: SMF Design - by Burridge - 03.02.2017, 06:49

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